These are not topics that ANYONE wants to talk about, but to not do so when it is necessary is DANGEROUS!! I know first hand. I had signs and symptoms both times that I attempted as an adult, more so the second time. Instead of confronting me, certain family members talked and bitched about me behind my back when they thought I couldn't hear... I could... and that made it all the worse... They admitted AFTER my attempt to saying that I needed to be in a "loony bin" but did nothing about it. Here is some advice... If a loved one has any of the signs or symptoms, DO SOMETHING!!! SPEAK FOR THEM WHEN THEY CANNOT SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES!!!! I was very lucky both times I attempted and was found before it was too late. There is no shame in being Mentally Ill... It is NOT a choice!! There IS shame in not taking advantage when help is offered and you are mentally able! There IS shame in doing nothing for a loved one that is at that point! Don't make that mistake... or you will regret it for the rest of your life!!!! Below is a list of signs and symptoms to look for...
- Increased Isolation – From family and friends
- Alcohol or Drug Use Increases
- Expression of negative attitude toward self
- Expression of hopelessness or helplessness
- Change in Regular Behavior
- Loss of interest in usual activities
- Giving away valued possessions
- Expression of a lack of future orientation (i.e. "It won't matter soon anyway")
- Expressing Suicidal Feelings
- Signs of Depression
- Describes a Specific Plan for Suicide
- History of Suicide in the Family
- A person who has been extremely depressed in the past may be at an increased risk for suicide if the depression begins to cease, as they may now have the psychological energy to follow through on a suicidal ideation.
If you or someone you care about displays any of these warning signs, please do not hesitate to call the hotline!! 1-800-273-8255... It could just save a life!!!!
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