Saturday, March 3, 2012

Ronald McDonald House

I found a blog called Rantings of a Mom while searching for charities using my Swagbucks search engine. I not only received 11 SBs (SwagBucks), but I also found a new way to Give Back/Pay Forward for all the kindness that I have been shown over the last several years when my life has been growing more and more difficult. Giving Back/Paying Forward gives me a reason to get out of bed every day, and I am hoping that soon it will help me to get out of the house. Baby Steps... I'm sure that many of you know exactly what I mean... *shy smile*

Here are the items that were listed that the RMH needs always...
Pinto beans – dried
Canned: refried beans, pinto
Canned: Corn, carrots, peas, mixed vegetables
Canned: tomatoes, sauces
Canned: ravioli, spaghetti, chili, stew
Canned meats (chicken, pork, tuna)
Juice boxes
Milk boxes
Brown sugar
Chocolate chips
Pasta, packages
Cooking oil
Salt and pepper packets
Pepper, Spices of all kinds
Corn tortillas
Paper plates, cups, towels
Plastic spoons and forks
Soups, especially chunky or hearty
Microwave popcorn
Candy, individually wrapped
Snacks, individually wrapped
Laundry soap – powdered
Dryer sheets (softener)
Dish soap / Dishwasher soap
Ziplock bags: Sandwich, quart and gallon

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