Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Bits and Pieces

There are a great many things on my mind this morning. At the forefront is the demon doggeh, Thor, as seen above. He may look cute and sweet, but therein is the trap. He is only sweet when he wants to be. That includes lickies to the face along with little nips with his sharp little teeth that HURT! I am sure that he means them as love and try my best to not show the pain on my face. I hope it is just a phase he is going through and will grow out of it as he get older!! Sadie is also there in my mind with THE Thor... his mother, both of whom expect their morning snacks IN THE MORNING. This is not usually a problem for me. I am usually sleeping during the giving of morning snacks, but today I am here by myself. Mom and Jim left yesterday to go to Columbia. She had an early appointment with a kidney specialist, and they didn't want to be traveling before the Butt Crack of Don. So, the giving of snacks fell to me... Yayness! [/sarcasm]

I've been in a quagmire lately. I have been watching my mom's fish for the last couple days. Three of them, all the same type, confuse me. The two smaller fish are easy to figure out, but the big ones with their strange fins are bugging the hell out of me! I can't figure out where their butts are!! They have all these extra fins and have a nice sized tail fin, but I can't see their butts. I have been watching them on and off and had mom on duty watching them, well, before she left, as well. I want to catch them in the act of doing a doody. That is the only way to figure it out once and for all! However, I am beginning to wonder if they doody at all!! I know they burp and fart, etc from the articles I read a few days ago for Jeff''s status, but I have not seen them do either. I do have a theory. I have to feed them around 11:30. I am hoping that eating will cause their little bodies to "work" and thus end my pain... Wish me luck!! *crosses fingers*

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