Friday, September 23, 2011

First Day of the Rest of My Life

Aren't they all? It isn't as if we start our own calendar based on one specific date and start over at 0 as they did with Jesus, who was a Middle Easterner therefor dark man. If I could though, I would... I would stick to the 365 days a year and the Pagan calendar, but I would sooo give the months different names. Do you know what the name of the months actually mean? I don't. Let's find out, shall we?! I have found the answers!!! Here is the page... Now, I will ponder and let you know what I think...

January -- Janus's month
February -- month of Februa
Intercalaris -- inter-calendar month
March -- Mars' month
April -- Aphrodite's month
May -- Maia's month
June -- Juno's month
July -- Julius Caesar's month
August -- Augustus Caesar's month
September -- the seventh month
October -- the eighth month
November -- the nineth month
December -- the tenth month

You may have noticed that there are 13 months here. That would be due to the lunar calendar... 4 weeks to a month. Ever wonder why a woman is considered pregnant for 9 months... but also 40 weeks? It is interesting that initially only 10 of the months were named. The two winter months weren't. Wonder what someone would say during that time if asked what month it was... "The 13th of No Name #1" o_O I also find it interesting that the main guy, though an asshat, that influenced the calendar as it is today was Julius Caesar. Even named one of them after himself. He was a vain man...

Now to meanings...

January - named for Janus, the Roman god of gates and doorways, depicted with two faces looking in opposite directions. January is his festival month. No idea what gates and doorways have anything to do with the month itself. Can't be that Janus ushered in the new year since back then the new year was March 1st... When war could resume again... How nice?! Blockheads!!

February - Februa is the Roman festival of purification, held on February fifteenth. It is possibly of Sabine (Italian) origin. I wonder if this was a Catholic or Pagan festival. He did convert to Catholicism in his "middle ages."

Intercalaris -- inter-calendar month - Removed by Julius Caesar

March - Named for Mars the Roman God of War. Not surprising since this was the time of year they could start killing innocent people in the name of God again.

April - How sweet... April was named for Aphrodite the Roman Goddess of love, beauty, blah, blah, blah...

May - Named for Maia (meaning "the great one"), the Italian Goddess of spring, the daughter of Faunus, and wife of Vulcan. Love the Vulcan part. Although, Spock, who is from Vulcan, was rather grouchy which I do NOT associate with spring... Hmmm...

June - Named for Juno who is the Goddess of the Roman Pantheon. She is the goddess of marriage and the well-being of women. I say "Go Girl"! *SNAP*

July - Julius Caesar reformed the Roman calendar (hence the Julian calendar) in 46 BC. In the process, he renamed this month after himself. Just like a man!!!

August - Augustus Caesar clarified and completed the calendar reform of Julius Caesar. In the process, he also renamed this month after himself. From what I can find, Augustus was the grand-nephew of good ole Julius. Just HAD to name a month after himself!! MEN!!

September - also my birth month - means 7th month. How creative!!! O_O

October - means 8th month. I'm noticing a pattern here!!!

November - means 9th month.

December - I'll let ya guess! Can't figure it out?! It means the 10th month!!! lol

Yeah... A woman could soooo do a better job than they did!!! <\div>

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